The Complete Health Dental Hygienist Visit should include the ten components below. Please use this document as a guide.
1. Use the Complete Health Medical & Dental History Form
(available on in the Resource Library)
2. Establish a Healthy Mouth Baseline / Healthy Body Baseline
a. Considers the patient’s Personal Motivators. Also, consider the three dimensions of health:
i. Brain Health ii. Event Free iii. Mobility
3. Blood Pressure and Pulse
4. Radiographs: Bitewings/ Periapicals/ *Panorex within five years
(*if history of oral cancer, presence of third molars or unerupted teeth beyond normal sequence. Then an updated panorex should be taken annually) or FMS every two years.
i. Teeth that have been endodontically treated should have follow up periapical film every 1-2 years and implants every two years.
5. Extra Oral Exam
a. Lymph Nodes
b. Neck Size – measure and record
c. Thyroid
d. Frank Signs
e. Mole on ears
6. Intra Oral Exam
a. Soft Tissues
b. Hard Tissues
c. Airways
7. Charting. Probing to be completed on all 6 points.
a. ADA recommends 1-3mm pockets and 0-10 bleeding points once per year.
b. Everyone else (i.e. someone with 4mm pockets and over 10 bleeding points) has probing at EVERY visit.
8. Oral Inflammatory Therapy and Genetic Tests for Inflammation Risk Factors.
a. Dental Hygienist will determine what category the Patient falls under in the Periodontal Disease Spectrum Classification: Mild, Moderate or Severe. Prescribe the proper treatment; Use of Oral Diagnostic Laboratory Testing, scaling and rooting planning, laser therapy and use of antimicrobial rinses, antibiotics either orally and/or site specific.
9. Doctor Exam
a. Now, the doctor enters to evaluate the patient. The Complete Health Hygienist has set him or her up as a Healthcare Hero to confirm the proposed treatment tailored to the patient.
10. Trust transfer
a. Treatment Coordinator to Treatment Planner – This is a verbal transfer in front of the patient that acknowledges the problem, consequences and solutions as it relates to the patient’s health.